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"All of life is peaks and valleys. Don't let the peaks get too high and the valleys too low."

    Even if life has its peaks and valleys, remember to always make the best of both good and bad times. This is the motto that we here at peaks live by, thus using it to name our select shop.

    Our little select shop strives to deliver the best quality of beautiful clothing to each and every one of you. Every order is closely examined and packaged before mailing, so it feels like receiving a gift when you open it up.

   人生充滿著高峰跟低潮... 不要讓高峰過高,也不要讓低潮太低。在人生的高潮迭起裡,記得要時時刻刻的把握住每個高點,也要在每個低點裡振作,學習。這一直是peaks在生活中的座右銘,於是以此命名。


peaks & valleys |
peaks & valleys |